Saturday 12 November 2016


                            Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Shahril Shamsuddin

In general meaning, observant means quick to notice or alert. Observant also is a trait that successful entrepreneur always use. In this context, observant is use by the managers to search for the problem in the community and create a product or services that can be used by people. Besides that, the managers also will analyse the strength a weakness of the organization to improve their quality in planning, organizing, leading and controlling. An article entitled “Carroll Business Path : Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs” written by Jon Weetman has describe the meaning of observant as a traits of successful entrepreneur. It says that the best entrepreneurs are very aware of the world around them. They pay attention. In fact, most ideas come from seeing things for what they are. They have noticed that something can be done, made or delivered better. The most basic premise of marketing is to find a need fill it. Based on the meaning, we can say that a good entrepreneur must quick to notice what the issues are being discussed around the world. Some examples are the rate of our money (Malaysia Ringgit) and Syria refugees. These issues are the problems that need to be solved. As a successful entrepreneur, they will observe the problem and make a strategic planning to overcome this problem whether in a short or a long term period.
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Shahril Shamsuddin is a good example of famous entrepreneur who has the trait of observant. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Shahril Shamsuddin is currently the President and Group Chief Executive Officer and non-independent executive Director of Sapura Kencana Petroleum Berhad since 9 December 2011. Dato’ Shahril believes that to achieve greater success because it already has become part of his character. He makes his father as his mentor. He adore his father who worked hard for his business, provided them the best education, and it became the impetus for him to be like his father. He observed the people around that inspired him, and he makes his father as a good example to learn to be like him.
Before the year of 1997, he was working with family-owned business, telecom Sapura, was installing software-management systems at Kuala Lumpur airport, introducing pre-paid phone cards and rolling out a mobile-phone network. However, the fast changing market conditions and red ink hits Sapura, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Shahril Shamsuddin was started to realize he has to change direction. He left the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to work on a master’s in technology management and in 1997 he was ready to jump into an entirely different industry, oil and gas. He worked hard for it and he has steered the company into a range of new businesses and projects in Malaysia, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Vietnam, China, West Africa and several other countries. Mokhzani Mahathir, the second son of Malaysia’s our fourth prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad. He merged his Kencana Petroleum with Shamsuddin’s outfit in 2012, and given the newly formed Sapura Kencana the breadth and depth of operations to bid for the biggest contracts around the world. Most importantly, by today Sapura Kencana Petroleum competes globally to supply offshore exploration and drilling services to giants such as Exxon Mobil, Shell, BP and Chevron.  

                                           Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai
Any success in life must always begin with a vision. A visionary entrepreneur is one who is able to see what others are not able to see. In other words this class of entrepreneurs have the right kind of picture in their mind that lets them know what will be the outcome of their business venture. While every business in an investment, entrepreneurs are actually into building an asset. When the business unfolds and flourishes the way you wanted it to, then you would either prefer to keep it or sell it. If you are keeping it, the meaning is you are buying your business yourself. Remember, you will always want to buy something that is really worth the price and this should be the prime concern of an entrepreneur in developing the business to excellent heights. A visionary entrepreneur does exactly this when he ventures into his business idea. Visionary entrepreneurs differ from business owners in the sense that they have a prior vision of what they want to do and achieve in their life. Vision is important because to success of a business since no one wants to wind up a business after years of toiling with it as an overworked and underpaid employee. Visionary entrepreneurs work with a vision of how their business is going to do in every detail connected with it and what it is likely to produce. They always strive hard to put workable and right system in place to turn their vision into reality. This is where a visionary entrepreneur differs from others and this mind set helps him or her reap overwhelming success from the venture. (    
One of the example of entrepreneur who has the trait of visionary is Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai, which is the founder of Top Glove Group of Companies which was established in 1991. Tan Sri Lim brought a wealth of experience in the marketing of consumers’ products while he was the Sales Manager of a subsidiary company of OYL Industries Bhd. He is a visionary person, he applied the marketing skills of consumers’ products and made a change by running rubber glove business by manufacturing and trading business which started with only three production lines. Under Tan Sri Lim’s visionary stewardship, Top Glove has since grown to be world’s largest rubber glove manufacturer, capturing about 25% of the world market share. He set the vision and goals to complete in his business based on his vision of Top Glove Group’s future. To be success in future consistently, Tan Sri Lim gas set the business rules for the company for his employees to follow, such as do not lose our shareholders’ money, do not lose our health, do not lose our temper and do not lose our customers. He always ensure that the improvement quality of product is with Company’s Quality Policy, efficiency of employees and innovation in products. The trait of visionary on Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai made him success in his business field and received about 10 awards about his achievement, and contribution to company. 

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